Select a topic: All Allgemein Stakeholder Engagement Publications Podcast People News Health service Health Data Events eHealth & Telemedicine EHDS Drugs Digitalization Devices Data protection Data Conferences Awards Artificial intelligence Allgemein AI DataPublications 1. Apr. 2020 Legal opinion for the Federal Ministry of Health: Proposed solutions for a new health research data protection law at federal and state level DevicesNews 9. Mar. 2020 Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) DataPublications 4. Mar. 2020 Secondary use of social and health data - Legal framework - by Christian Dierks and Alexander Roßnagel DataNews 2. Mar. 2020 Data protection for cross-national research projects DataNews 2. Mar. 2020 We need a new data protection law for medical research News 21. Nov. 2019 National Digital Health Symposium 2019 - Closing ranks for the digital revolution in the healthcare system Events 4. Sep. 2019 EINLADUNG | D+C Insights @ HELIX HUB | #2 (CLOSED) Publications 20. Aug. 2019 "Brauchen wir mehr Patientenvertretung in Deutschland?" - neue Publikation ist verfügbar. Publications 20. Aug. 2019 "Is there a need for more patient participation in Germany?" - new publication is online Previous 1 … 8 9 10